Saturday, October 18, 2008

Campaign Manager Twitter By Dean Neligan

The following is a fictional twittering conversation between John McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt and Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe during the second presidential debate.

Plouffe (0:40)- Why does Tom get to pick the questions?

Schmidt (3:28)- So is he going to answer the question?

Plouffe (7:22)- giving a lot power to an unnamed source?

Schmidt (8:50)- looks like you don’t have anyone either o and you completely ignored the question

Schmidt (10:15)- Does anyone know how this bailout works?

Plouffe (10:16)- I don’t think so.

Schmidt (11:49)- Well aren’t we getting chippy early tonight.

Plouffe (13:00)- There’s chippy for you.

Schmidt (14:25)- O the I don’t point fingers even though I already did.

Plouffe (23:30)- again with the partisan.

Schmidt (24:00)- That’s right you need to be able to multitask when you’re the President.

Schmidt (25:10)- Is your candidate comparing himself to JFK and his race to the moon.

Schmidt (26:38)- You believe this guy rushing are candidates.

Plouffe (26:39)- Tom becomes the moderator and he thinks he’s The Almighty.

Plouffe (28:10)- That’s not going to be too popular

Schmidt (28:11)- Doesn’t matter he’s a straight talker.

Schmidt (33:10)- He’s a doctor now.

Schmidt (35:27)- Yes, that’s the point we want to get across!

Plouffe (36:00)- Tom! Let him respond.

Schmidt (37:00)- So he’s already serving two terms.

Plouffe (37:34)- Sounds better then your plan.

Plouffe (39:25)- Is that cause he can’t respond

Schmidt (40:14) Looks like he’s responding right now.

Schmidt (42:40) Good John keep separating yourself from Bush.

Plouffe (44:10) These are great points by Barack.

Plouffe (45:10) 23! Really? Ouch!

Schmidt (45:12) That’s misrepresenting the numbers.

Plouffe (45:16) You guys haven’t done that.

Plouffe (46:20) Brokaw’s has jokes.

Schmidt (46:21) Your candidate blames mine, surprise, sure the media will too.

Schmidt (47:46) Look at john cracking Tom up.

Plouffe (49:12) Where is your candidate walking too.

Plouffe (1:24:48) Well I think we did pretty well again.

Schmidt (1:25:56) I think John won the debate.

Plouffe (1:26:02) I think Barack won. We’ll see what the polls say.

Schmidt (1:26:18) I’ll talk to you during the third debate.

Slacker Uprising By Nicole Pedoto .

What does it take to get over 21 million college students to vote? The answer is clean underwear and Ramen noodles. In 2004 documenter Michael Moore campaigned around the country to 62 college campuses located in swing states, handing out these items in return for the students’ promise to vote in the election that year. Moore, with his trusty camera crew only a few steps behind, compiled his findings to create “Slacker Uprising” a documentary so mind-blowing he released it for free on the internet.

Understanding the promise of clean clothing and food is enticing for college students, it seemed as though the students may have attended Moore's rally for more than just free dinner, or the chance to put off their laundry for just one more day. Some of these slackers actually felt strongly about the message Moore was trying to portray, while others were quick to protest his presence on their campus. While students opinions on the filmmaker were split, those most opposed to Michael Moore were republican supports trying to bribe the student event coordinators with up to $100,000 to cancel Moore’s appearance . All but one college campus showed they could not be bought out by rejecting the hefty offer. With the exception of California State University- San Marcos, who cancelled the event on campus, and moved it to a bigger arena close by, as a way of “sticking it” to their administration.

Moore’s campaigning swayed 54 out of the 62 college campuses to vote against public enemy number one the Bush Administration. It did him no good seeing as they are still in power today. Maybe next time Moore should spend less time focusing on the slackers, who will attend anything for a free meal, and focus on persuading his own generation.

A Republican's Take on Sean Hannity's Show By Matt Pellicane

Recently, FoxNews anchor Sean Hannity produced a show entitled "Obama and Friends: History of Radicalism." (A full length video of the show can be found at the end of this post.) The documentary showcases Barack Obama beginning with his college years and going up until the present times. The entire show is dedicated to showing various controversial figures that Barack Obama has ties to. Democrats probably did not take kindly to Mr. Hannity's program, but don't the American people have a right to know the truth about Mr. Obama?

The program begins with a look at Obama's college years, something he has been very tight-lipped about. He studied at Columbia University as well as Harvard Law School. Khalid al-Mansour, a known radical extremist with ties to the Saudi government, aided Barack Obama in being accepted into the prestigious law school. This is where the suspicions of Obama's companions begins.

Following his college experience, Obama worked as a community organizer for the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation. The organization is founded on the principles of Saul Alinsky, who many consider the "godfather of community organizing." His philosophy was basically manipulating people into following a particular course of action that he wanted them to take. If Barack Obama took anything from Alinsky's teachings, is he the man that we want to be our next president?

In the program, we also learn that Obama had a relationship with William Ayers. For those who don't know, William Ayers was the leader of the 1960's anti-American terrorist group the "Weather Underground." This group plotted terrorist attacks against the U.S. Capitol building, the Pentagon, and the NYPD headquarters just to name a few. Ayers and Obama worked together for the Woods Fund of Chicago, a non-profit group. Again we see Barack Obama working in close quarters with an extremely controversial figure. Of course, this is not the same man we see campaigning across the nation, or is it?

Hannity's program also looks at Mr. Obama's relationship with his now former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright was Obama's pastor for over twenty years. Wright preaches liberation theology and is shown in the program shouting "God damn America" during one of his sermons. Obama is quoted in the program saying that Wright was like family to him. Although Obama has resigned from Wright's church, how can Americans believe that he is going to disown someone who is like family to him?

The last segment Hannity's program deals with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Obama worked closely with this group during his time as a community organizer. Some people consider this group to be the largest radical group in the nation. ACORN deals with helping low-income families and neighborhoods. ACORN uses crooked tactics and intimidation to achieve what they desire. Currently, ACORN is under investigation for voter fraud. While Obama was a community organizer, the former head of the organization asked Obama to train the ACORN staff. Mr. Obama also was the attorney for ACORN in some of their legal cases. No wonder we never hear Mr. Obama speak of his association with this group. However, the American people have Sean Hannity to thank for bringing it to their attention.

Some may see this program as an unfair attack on Barack Obama. However, if this man is going to be the next President of the United States of American, shouldn't the American people have the right to know who he really is and where has come from? Americans need to know this man's background before they vote him into the White House.

Obama's Debate Notes by Tyler Chaput

John McCain's Debate Notes by Eric Peterson

Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi on the 2008 Election by Dianne Taryla

Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi on the 2008 Election

The times are tough now, just getting tougher
The old world is rough, it’s just getting rougher
Yesterday the people were at ease
Once the family felt secure
Now no one’s very sure
Your world keeps turnin’ ‘round and ‘round
But everything is upside down
There’s a different kind of meaning now
To livin’ on a prayer
Some don’t seem to notice
And the rest don’t seem to care
Its gonna be a long walk home

Woke up Election Day, skies gunpowder and shades of gray
We’d marked truth or consequence on our map
From the White House to the Alleys
From the President to Long Tall Sally
That’s gonna make history
You can read it in the papers
Its gonna be a long walk home

Walking in the footsteps of society’s lies
I don’t like what I see no more, sometimes I wish that I was blind
Sometimes I wait forever to stand out in the rain
So no one sees me cryin’, trying to wash away the pain
And it isn’t black and white
And it’s anything but grey
Anything can, everything can happen
It all falls apart with no warning
Don’t ask the past to last; it’s about to change
Its gonna be a long walk home

There’s a war outside still raging
I’ve been out on the front line
Where you’ll go down if you waste time
They’ll walk all over you
There are wars that can’t be won
Its gonna be a long walk home

But lately there ain’t been much work on account of the economy
Now all them things that seemed so important
Well mister they vanished right into the air
When times get crazy
It’s up and down, it’s hot and cold
These complications just keep on coming
Seems like hard times come easy
We do a lot of hangin’ on these days
Its gonna be a long walk home

It’s your last chance in this lifetime
The line forms at the rear
You won’t believe your eyes
Your eyes will not believe your ears
There’s treasure for the taking, for any hard working man
Its gonna be a long walk home
And we’ll make our home in the American Land

How Fair is the Electoral College After All? by Bobby Schilling

How Fair is the Electoral College After All?
Interested in seeing how this 2008 election is going? Wondering who’s got the advantage as they head down the home stretch? Even who is predicted to take control of the White House? Stop right there. has all the answers you are looking for. It even has breakdowns by state, popular vote, electoral vote, you name it. What’s the percentage McCain has of winning New Hampshire? It’s on there, 8%. How about Obama winning North Carolina? 34%. The website has all different types of scenarios and the likelihood of each coming true.

The most noticeable statistics are the pie charts of popular vote, electoral vote, and win percentage. I was thinking to myself how interesting these charts are, and it made me realize how unfair they are. The popular vote gives the slight edge to Obama, then the electoral vote more blue (democratic), and the win percentage almost entirely blue.

This graphic demonstration represents a fundamental flaw in the electoral college. The overall popular vote is going to be tight, but Obama’s chances of winning are almost guaranteed. It’s like two evenly matched teams playing each other with a huge point spread. For example, if the Cowboys play the Giants and one of the teams is getting 20 points. It doesn’t make any sense. That’s the problem with the electoral vote, and this visual makes it obvious.

There’s all the commercial and television campaigns encouraging people to vote and that every vote counts, but what’s the point of a republican living in Massachusetts voting? What’s his incentive? His candidate isn’t going to get anything out of his vote. Maybe the electoral college should distribute its votes based upon percent of popular votes in each state. So if McCain only gets 7 or 8% of the vote in Massachusetts, as least he’ll get one of the electoral votes. I’m just saying, let’s eliminate that point spread.