Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Republican's Take on Sean Hannity's Show By Matt Pellicane

Recently, FoxNews anchor Sean Hannity produced a show entitled "Obama and Friends: History of Radicalism." (A full length video of the show can be found at the end of this post.) The documentary showcases Barack Obama beginning with his college years and going up until the present times. The entire show is dedicated to showing various controversial figures that Barack Obama has ties to. Democrats probably did not take kindly to Mr. Hannity's program, but don't the American people have a right to know the truth about Mr. Obama?

The program begins with a look at Obama's college years, something he has been very tight-lipped about. He studied at Columbia University as well as Harvard Law School. Khalid al-Mansour, a known radical extremist with ties to the Saudi government, aided Barack Obama in being accepted into the prestigious law school. This is where the suspicions of Obama's companions begins.

Following his college experience, Obama worked as a community organizer for the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation. The organization is founded on the principles of Saul Alinsky, who many consider the "godfather of community organizing." His philosophy was basically manipulating people into following a particular course of action that he wanted them to take. If Barack Obama took anything from Alinsky's teachings, is he the man that we want to be our next president?

In the program, we also learn that Obama had a relationship with William Ayers. For those who don't know, William Ayers was the leader of the 1960's anti-American terrorist group the "Weather Underground." This group plotted terrorist attacks against the U.S. Capitol building, the Pentagon, and the NYPD headquarters just to name a few. Ayers and Obama worked together for the Woods Fund of Chicago, a non-profit group. Again we see Barack Obama working in close quarters with an extremely controversial figure. Of course, this is not the same man we see campaigning across the nation, or is it?

Hannity's program also looks at Mr. Obama's relationship with his now former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright was Obama's pastor for over twenty years. Wright preaches liberation theology and is shown in the program shouting "God damn America" during one of his sermons. Obama is quoted in the program saying that Wright was like family to him. Although Obama has resigned from Wright's church, how can Americans believe that he is going to disown someone who is like family to him?

The last segment Hannity's program deals with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). Obama worked closely with this group during his time as a community organizer. Some people consider this group to be the largest radical group in the nation. ACORN deals with helping low-income families and neighborhoods. ACORN uses crooked tactics and intimidation to achieve what they desire. Currently, ACORN is under investigation for voter fraud. While Obama was a community organizer, the former head of the organization asked Obama to train the ACORN staff. Mr. Obama also was the attorney for ACORN in some of their legal cases. No wonder we never hear Mr. Obama speak of his association with this group. However, the American people have Sean Hannity to thank for bringing it to their attention.

Some may see this program as an unfair attack on Barack Obama. However, if this man is going to be the next President of the United States of American, shouldn't the American people have the right to know who he really is and where has come from? Americans need to know this man's background before they vote him into the White House.

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