Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Democratic Ticket by Dean Neligan

Democratic Ticket
Senator Barack Obama’s selection of Senator Joseph Biden, like McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin, allows for the candidates to compliment one another issues where they do not see eye to eye and appeal to more voters.

Iraq War
Barack Obama has made withdrawing troops from Iraq with a timetable one of the main focal points of his campaign. He is against sending any additional troops to Iraq. He does not believe in the United States having a long term presence in Iraq.
Joe Biden supports a timetable for U.S. troops leaving Iraq. He has and continues to disprove any idea of sending in additional troops. He supports the United States having a long-term presence in Iraq.

Gun Rights
Obama supports restrictions on access to firearms. He strongly supports a ban on assault weapons and is a board member of the Joyce Foundation. The foundation helps serve gun control organizations in the U.S.
Biden wants to keep the assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole. Otherwise Biden seems to support keeping the status quo on gun control. However, the National Rifle Association gave Biden an F on pro-gun right policies.

Barack Obama believes in a women’s right to choose and supports Roe v Wade. However, he says he does believe states can properly restrict late-term abortions as long as there is a provision protecting the mother. Admits he is unsure when life begins.
Joe Biden believes allowing women to choose but is against federal funding claiming it would impose a view. He supports partial-birth abortion ban but is not against overturning Roe v Wade. Biden believes life occurs at conception.

Gay Marriage
Obama opposes gay marriage but is a strong supporter of civil unions. And would like to extend federal rights and benefits to same sex couples.
Biden believes civil unions are ok feeling government has to prevent all discrimination. He is against gay marriage arguing the government should not be able to dictate religious views but goes on to say it is probably inevitable.

Global Warming
Barack Obama believes humans play a significant role in the cause of global warming.
Joe Biden is a strong believer human pollution is a significant cause of a global warming.

Drilling for Oil
Barack Obama is strongly against drilling for oil in the United States. He believes in funding searches for alternative methods of fuel.
Joe Biden strongly opposes drilling for oil domestically. He believes in investing in alternative forms of fuel.

Obama’s selection of Joe Biden as his vice-presidential candidate can help squash some of the concerns voters have of him. NPR columnist Jennifer Ludden says Biden complements Obama on foreign policy experience, knowledge of the inner workings of Washington, and an appeal to working-class voters- all criticism the McCain camp have hurled at the presidential nominee. However, Ludden does mention Biden sometimes sticks his foot in his mouth.

These are links of sites where information for this entry where obtained

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