Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Student views on VP picks by Eric Peterson

With the party conventions all wrapped up and the nominations officially in the books, it is time to scrutinize and evaluate.

As always, a popular topic to analyze is the running mate selection by both the Democratic and Republican parties. If not known already, Barack Obama and the Democrats chose 65 year-old Joe Biden, a Senator from Delaware, while John McCain and the Republicans picked 44 year-old Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin.

Student views on this matter can be found even on the politically apathetic campus of Quinnipiac. However, why take the boring route of asking a Democrat about Biden, and vice versa? Let's ask supporters of an opposing party.

For one Obama supporter, it looks as if McCain has picked the right sidekick.

"She is a sharp women, that was a smart choice for him," said Brendan Rogers, a junior accounting major from Vermont. "She seems to be taking the role of McCain's attack dog. Most of her speech was attacking Obama and his party."

As far as his own party is concerned, Rogers is about neutral on the Biden selection since he really does not know much about the senator.

This trend seems to be apparent for other Quinnipiuac students, regardless of party affiliation.

"I haven't heard much about him really," said Kristen Lawler, a junior Psychology major and Republican supporter.

The same can't be said about Palin, who was the center of attention after the recent announcement that her 17 year-old daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant. She is also only the second women to run for vice president for a major political party, the last being Geraldine Ferraro in 1984.

"She seems like a normal person. What she does in her own life parallels her views," said Lawler.

Perhaps all the media attention for Sarah Palin, negative or not, is good for at least getting her name out to the public.

Carrie Brown of Yahoo News further explains how Obama, Biden, and the Democrats lost the media spotlight to the Alaskan Governor.

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