Sunday, September 21, 2008

Federal Defense of Marriage Act and its Influence on College Students by Nicole Pedoto

According to More than two-thirds of people under 35 favor recognition for gay marriage. Republican presidential candidate John McCain stated his position that he supports the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, which allows for the denial of federal recognition of same-sex marriages by the state.

When eight Quinnipiac University students were asked if McCain’s support of this act would affect their decision, the majority said yes. All but two students agreed that McCain’s support for the act would influence their vote. Junior, Cara Hebard said “I think that it is completely unfair and prejudice of anyone to try and deny federal funding to same sex couples. It has no effect on anyone outside of the two people who want to get married and no one should be able to tell them what they can and cannot do. McCain’s support for this act will definitely have an influence on my vote.”

Not everyone interviewed felt the same way. Junior Matt Tremper said “Although I feel that the act is unfair and no one should be denied of their rights, it will not influence my vote, there are many more important issues and this one just doesn’t affect me.”

This issue does affect college students like Tammi Bencivenga, junior at the university. She said “I have a gay cousin and I want him to be able to enjoy the same freedoms that everyone else does. It is unfair to deny him funding because of how he chooses to live his life. By McCain supporting this act he is saying to me that gay couples don’t deserve equal rights.”

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