Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How Each Candidate Views Major Issues by Dianne Taryla

Barack Obama

Gun Control- Supports that it is the right of the state and cities to set local gun laws while respecting the Second Amendment. Obama voted no on legislation that would prohibit lawsuits against gun manufacturers. Obama would like to pass a bill that would limit the purchase of a gun to one a month. He would like to provide some common-sense enforcing of gun licensing.

Abortion- A supporter of Roe v. Wade and believes it is a woman’s right to choose. While supporting a woman’s right to choose he would expand access to contraception, health and preventive services to women. He co-sponsored the Prevention First Act which would increase funding to family planning, sex education, end insurance discrimination against contraceptives and improve awareness to emergency contraceptives. This bill will also provide compassion and assistance to rape victims.

Iraq- Opposed the war in Iraq when it was started, wants to get the troops out safely. As President he would completely remove troops in 16 months, in the summer of 2010. To do this he would safely redeploy 1 to 2 combat brigades from Iraq a month. A residual force will remain in Iraq performing counter-terrorism missions against Al Qaeda. He will not build permanent military bases, but will help to train and support security forces in Iraq.

Environment- Will implement a cap and trade program which will set a cap on carbon emissions, and companies are free to buy and sell allowances that were set for them in order to operate in a manner that is profitable to them. Each year the number of allowances will decline to match the targeted reduction. He will make energy conservation a top priority and start by making Federal buildings more efficient. He wants to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2050. He will also develop domestic incentives that would reward farmers, forest owners, and ranchers when they plant a tree, restore grassland, and capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using farming practices.

John McCain

Gun Control- Supports the Second Amendment Right and doesn’t believe in punishing law abiding citizens because of criminals who break the law anyway. Also believes that gun manufacturers cannot be held responsible for what people do when they own a gun. Proposes instant criminal background checks when firearms are purchased at gun shows. Supports legislation that require gun manufactures to supply gun safety equipment in the box.

Abortion- Believes that the ruling of the court is Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned. If this decision was overturned it would become the decision of the states to ban or allow abortion. If abortion is banned by states McCain wants to promote adoption. He would like to make it easier to adopt interracially and inter-ethnically, and would like to allow tax-deductions to those who have adopted.

Iraq- Believes that we must support the Iraqi government and help them become capable of governing itself and safeguarding the people. McCain will not pull troops out of Iraq until Al Qaeda is defeated there and a capable, competent and trained security force is functioning there. He wants to establish a stable and democratic Iraq.

Environment- Along with Senator Lieberman he introduced the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007, designed to reduce greenhouse gases through trading markets and the use of advanced technology. He proposes the use of alternative energy sources, including nuclear energy. By 2012 he wants to return emissions to the levels they were at in 2005. He would like to employ a cap and trade system to set limits on gas emissions and encourage the development of low-cost compliance options.

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