Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain's Acceptance Speech Generates Excitement by Tyler Chaput

On Thursday, September 4th, Senator John McCain gave his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The Xcel Energy Center generated just as much enthusiasm for McCain’s speech as Senator Barrack Obama’s did in Denver. Rambunctious with excitement, the audience would often engage into chants of “U-S-A” early into the speech. Other distractions, which were not shown during Obama’s speech, such as banners and rebellious democrats jockeyed for attention.
Matthew Madore, a declared republican voter, says of the public’s exuberance surrounding the speech, “I felt proud to be an American and a republican.”
Senator McCain began talking about how he could not have come this far in this election without the support of his wife, Cindy. He continued on to thank his mother for all her support as well as those who came before him like his father, grandfather, and all American veterans.
Next on the agenda was thanking his new comrade and choice for Vice President of the United States, Sarah Palin. Madore says of McCain’s choice of Palin, “She’s the greatest choice ever! She is a breath of fresh air in politics. Palin is a self made success story and the democrats have no way to attack her without looking bad.”
At this point it’s unclear as to whether or not McCain has an advantage or disadvantage based on his speech. One Quinnipiac University student, Christopher Kerscher, says “I’m unsure if McCain’s speech gives him an advantage because I didn’t feel that his speech was as strong as Obama’s. I think Palin’s speech was even better than McCain’s.”
Despite some questions about the strength of McCain’s speech, one thing is certain: this election is still far from over.

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